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Live Your Authentic Life and Be Happy

Be your true self, and not who you think others want you to be. Live your life for you, and not to please someone else. The only comparisons you should ever make are between yourself yesterday, and yourself today. You should never feel like you need to compare or compete with others. You are unique, just like everyone else. Above all, you need to take care of you first, so you can be mentally and physically healthy and happy, and that will enable you to live by example, and be there for others.


Let’s talk about the word FEAR, as this seems to be a common roadblock for many of us. One definition of FEAR is- False Evidence Appearing Real. No one can predict the future, so focus on living in the present, and that will better prepare you for whatever the future may hold. Do not FEAR the future, instead welcome the opportunities that await. Don’t let the FEAR of what could happen, make nothing happen. If you always do what you have always done, you will always be who you have always been. In other words, if you change nothing, then nothing will change. Do not FEAR storms, instead, learn how to better sail your ship. There are only two days a year that nothing can be done- yesterday, and tomorrow, so let’s focus on the present, today, right now. Everything you want is on the other side of FEAR.


Live each day for inner peace, not outward appearance, as happiness is an inside job. We cannot be comfortable without our own approval. Your past mistakes guide you, not define you. If you want self-esteem, then you need to do esteemable acts. If you act as if, by engaging in the daily practice of acting like the person that you want to become, over time, you will become the person whom you have always wanted to be. 


Time spent doing something that you love, is not wasted time. If you love what you do for work, then you will never have to work again. Change your thoughts, and you change your world.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let’s talk about how we can work together to help you to achieve the life that you have always wanted to live, and to become the person that you have always wanted to be. Please visit our Contact Page so we can meet . Let's get started 

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2B Career Coaching, LLC

Santa Clarita, CA 91354


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 By Appointment Only






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